West Felton Parish Council


A casual vacancy has occurred at West Felton Parish Council, following the resignation of Cllr Sonja D'Arcy. A Notice of Casual Vacancy can be viewed here. Details of how this vacancy is to be filled will follow after the statutory 14 day period set out in the notice has expired.

The next election will take place in May 2025 when anyone eligible can stand for election. Any vacancies arising before then, due for example to current Members resigning, will be advertised on the parish council website and noticeboard. Members of the public are always very welcome to attend the parish council's monthly meetings, either to simply listen or to speak in the public session part of the meeting about any items on the agenda. 


Thank you to everybody who came along to the exhibition. On the day we had over 70 forms returned. Thank you.

If you missed the fascinating exhibition on the historic development of your village, recently discovered after extensive research, you can see it here:
Conservation Area
The Parish Council considered the research findings and the consultation results at the council's November meeting and was of the view that there was overwhelming evidence and support for a Conservation Area designation. Members voted unanimously to submit an application for designation to Shropshire Council and this was then submitted following the meeting. The application is currently being reviewed by Shropshire Council. An initial response has been received from Shropshire Council and a reply sent from our Consultant. Details are on the Conservation Area page



The Parish Council awards grants to community groups on an annual basis, in accordance with its Grant Awarding Policy. All grant applications for the forthcoming financial year are considered each January. Applications should be submitted to the Parish Clerk by 31 December at the latest. The Council has already considered grants for the 2024/25 financial year. Grants will next be considered in January 2025, with applications to be submitted by 31 December 2024. The policy and application form can be downloaded from the Policies section of this website, by clicking here or is available from the Clerk, Rosemary Wood, who can be contacted by using the Contact form or telephone (01939 262881). 


Want to protect your property free of charge?
West Felton Parish Council have the backing and support of the local policing team in issuing FREE Smartwater Kits to residents of the Parish, enabling you to mark your valuables which, if stolen, can then be traced directly to your home. To claim your kit, please contact the Parish Clerk.


Parish Council Meetings are usually held on the SECOND TUESDAY of every month

at 7.30pm in the new hall at West Felton CE Primary School. The next MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL will take place on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 7:30pm. 
Parish Council Agendas for the next meeting and any other key supporting papers are published on the Wednesday before the meeting:  see the MEETINGS page above.
For PARISH NEWS in Round and About West Felton: http://www.westfeltonmagazine.co.uk/
Please keep West Felton tidy and take your rubbish home with you and pick up your dog's mess after them.
Please go to http://shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/mgParishCouncilDetails.aspx?ID=614&LS=3 for details of our Parish Councillors and to view their Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms.
Members Contact Details: See the Contact section of the menu above 
Upcoming Meetings click on the file link below  >>